Telephone: 06 3015.4975 (Wing N) – 06 3015.8562 (Wing P)
Fax: 06 3551.0031
Presidium: Gemelli General Hospital
Location: Wing N / P – 5th Floor; Delivery Room: Wing O – 4th Floor
DH Activity: Wing O – 2nd floor
Ward’s Ordinary Activity: 35 beds; Delivery room: 6 beds
At the Complex Obstetrics Operative Unit there is the Birth Center where a pre-hospitalization service is available. This Center is dedicated to future mothers who wish to give birth at the A. Gemelli University Foundation and it will accompany these women in the stages of approaching to birth, to make them live serenely this delicate period.
The meetings are addressed to patients treated by external gynecologists during pregnancy, except for specific indications from the caregivers.
The first appointment to talk with doctors is preferably set from the 31st to the 34th week of gestation, by request via email: The request via email must be sent no later than 32 weeks + 0 days of gestation and the reply to the email will arrive within 7-10 days. It is not possible to make telephone reservations (see: Appointment making methods).
At the appointment you should bring all the exams and echographies done during pregnancy, especially the first two ultrasound scans, the ultrasound you have done between 30-34 weeks for the evaluation of fetal growth and the glycemic curve.
Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)
Nowadays, in Italy many women are directed to or choose to have a caesarean section. As a result, two data are emerging: the first, of medical importance, is related to the immediate and future complications of one or more caesareans. The second is that many women, after cesarean section, feel that they have been deprived of a human experience, vaginal birth, which undoubtedly enriches and completes the wealth of “positive experience” of every woman.
Hence, many years ago, a specific service was provided to pregnant women who concluded their previous pregnancy by caesarean section: we talk about Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) because this scientific experience was also conducted in Anglo-Saxon countries with excellent results (about 70% of pregnant women who want to give birth naturally after a caesarean section are able to satisfy their desire in safe conditions).
This procedure has also spread to Italy and at the Gemelli General Hospital’s delivery room there are all the requirements of experience, safety and comfort of the environment to offer this opportunity to women who decide to give birth here.
Breeched baby
At the end of pregnancy, the baby is breeched in about 3% of all cases. During the meeting at the pre-partum clinic all the useful and necessary information will be provided to the patients interested in knowing about the manoeuvres to make the baby turn. Possible exercises and positions to be taken to encourage the spontaneous turning of the fetus will also be suggested.
It is important to know that:
For patients who want to give birth in our delivery room and who want to take advantage of epidural analgesia, it is recommended to take the anesthetic examination and to obtain informed consent at the anesthesiology clinics of our Hospital.
SSN clinic: 06 8880.5560
ALPI clinic: 06 8881.8881
Some general info:
How to make an appointment
From 1st May 2017 it will be possible to access the first appointment only with a red prescription released by the treating physician with the words “pre-partum Gynecological Consultation” (internal reference code 89.01). The Administrative Admission is, as usual, at the windows of the 3rd floor, wing D of the General Hospital.
How to get to the Center
The room P537 is at the 5th floor, between the two obstetrics wards (Wing P – Wing N), next to the room where the registration / birth declaration of newborns is made. From the 4th floor’s entrance you can follow the BLUE path, then go one floor up and go behind the elevators.
Useful information for the hospital stay
For the mother
Nightgown suited to breastfeeding, disposable panties, large sanitary napkins, slippers, dressing gown, what is needed for personal hygiene.
Please note: If it is possible, use mouldable and not massive bags and do not bring valuables.
Documentation required for hospital admission:
- all the medical examination you did during pregnancy
- a valid identity document
For the newborn
What is needed:
4 sets of clothes, individually packaged in plastic bags labeled with the baby’s surname.
The sets of clothes include:
- Cotton or silk shirt
- Cotton or wool T-shirt
- Body
- shoes, possibly with laces
- Do not bring full-body suits, preferibilmente, high cut sides bodies
For discharge: 1 set of clothes
To get more information, please contact the numbers:
06 3015.4975 (wing N) – 06 3015.8562 (wing P)
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