The Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS has adopted its own organization, management and monitoring standard in accordance with D.Lgs 231 from 2001 – “Regulation of administrative liability of legal entities, companies and associations even lacking legal character” (Modello 231).
The Board of Directors has nominated the Supervisory Board (OdV), as the entity entrusted with the task to oversee the functioning, compliance and the updating of the Organization, management and monitoring standard.
The objective of Modello 231 is to create a system that is comprehensive and organized by monitoring principles and procedures in order to prevent crimes foreseen by D.Lgs 231/2001.
The Modello 231 also has the aim to support the implementation of institutional objectives, protecting the integrity of company values and promoting:
- an ethical culture, for proper clarity when carrying out one’s activities;
- mechanisms that allow to verify, constantly, the areas in which risks of illegal procedures and adverse events can occur;
- monitoring principles which its organizational system must conform to in order to prevent the above mentioned risks.
La versione del Modello 231 pubblicato è stata approvata con delibera del Consiglio di Amministrazione del 27 febbraio del 2019.
To have access to the Organization, management and monitoring standard you can download the specific PDFs clicking on the buttons here below: