The Policlinico Gemelli and Presidio Columbus manage services through The National Public Healthcare Service or paid services. Choose the preferred appointment method among the ones below.
Make an Appointment by Telephone
Private Practice: Paid services
06 8881.8881[Mon. – Fri. from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm – Sat. from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm]
Make an Appointment Online
National Public Healthcare Service
Make an appointment online[ Enter your appointment request in less than 5 minutes ]

Are you a cancer patient? Discover the Sportello Gemelli – Cancro
Our service that helps receive access to a first visit for patients who already have an established cancer diagnosis.
DISCOVERTo make an appointment for the services listed below, provided at the Presidio Columbus, it is necessary to consult the specific department directly:
To make or cancel an appointment send an e-mail to attaching a copy of your identification document, medical prescription and healthcare card.
Users are reminded that to make an appointment for a Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Test you must send the request with the attached documents to
Any doubts on how to book?
Can I make a medical exam or doctor’s appointment on-line?
Through the Policlinico Gemelli website it is possible to send an “appointment request”: therefore, this is not an appointment in itself.
In fact, after sending the appointment request on-line, Policlinico Gemelli’s Appointment Call Center (Centro di Prenotazione Unico – CUP) will recontact you by telephone (or, if there is no response, by e-mail) in order to finalize the appointment procedure and to agree upon the date and time of the requested medical exam or doctor’s appointment.
Can I make a medical exam or doctor’s appointment by telephone?
Yes. To make a medical exam or doctor’s appointment by telephone you can contact Policlinico Gemelli’s Appointment Call Center (CUP) at the following number: 06 8880.5560 Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please bear in mind that the Appointment Call Center can only make first-time, out-patient appointments.
Which services can I make an appointment for?
You can find the list of services you can make an appointment for on the “appointment request” page of the Policlinico Gemelli website.
Which documents do I need in order to make an appointment request?
In order to request a medical exam or doctor’s appointment you must have your general practitioner’s medical referral and your health card. It is important to always check the date on the medical referral (the validity of the medical referral is one year from the date issued).
Can I choose the doctor to be visited by?
No. Making a medical exam or doctor’s appointment with the National Health System (Sistema Sanitario Nazionale – SSN) it is not possible to choose the doctor.
I do not live in the Lazio Region, nonetheless, is it possible to make a medical exam or doctor’s appointment?
Yes. The medical referral for specialist and diagnostic services is valid throughout Italy.
Which documents do I have to bring on the day of the appointment?
We advise bringing every document and/or past medical record that is related to this medical exam or doctor’s appointment.
Can I cancel an appointment?
Yes. You can send an e-mail to within 48 hours before the appointment date, or you can contact Policlinico Gemelli’s Appointment Call Center (CUP), by telephone, at the following number: 06 8880.5560 Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.