The Fondazione’s mission, being a Policlinico Universitario with Catholic inspirations, is to offer patients humanity, excellent and highly specialized treatments by promoting continuous medical innovation and training future medical professionals.
The Fondazione is the place where scientific and technical skills, human sensitivity, Catholic ethics and values become a genuine commitment at the service of everyone, in order to guarantee excellent and affordable treatments to the entire community.
The Policlinico Gemelli and the School of Medicine are placed at the heart of the health system, by developing and spreading a national and international reference model regarding the management, organization, technology and humanization of the medical field.
The Fondazione’s values
In order to recognize the relevance of Father Agostino Gemelli’s intention, the Fondazione identifies and commits itself in accordance with fundamental values:
- Treatment of ill people, with complete respect of their dignity, needs, suffering and of their hope;
- Excellence in the services offered, in terms of effectiveness, appropriateness, fairness, safety, promptness, efficiency and accessibility;
- Commitment to take care of and look after patients, functioning as a system at the service of others;
- Communication, collaboration and involvement, going beyond the sector and categorical point of view in order to constantly improve the organization and unity of intentions;
- Commitment to a multi-disciplinary approach and team work;
- Openness, honesty and fairness in all activities;
- Continuous innovation and learning toward the development of professional, scientific and technical know-how;
- Respect for people’s values.
The Fondazione’s ethics
The Fondazione’s values are based on Father Agostino Gemelli’s vision of continuity through the principles that have distinguished the Policlinico and the Università Cattolica from the beginning.
The Fondazione is aware of its ethical and legal responsibilities toward patients as well as institutions, the surrounding community and collaborators.
For this reason, the Fondazione follows a Code of Ethics through which it expresses ethical principles, commitments and responsibilities that are the basis of its activities and points out, to the entire organization, the binding criteria for proper behavior.
The ethical commitments that the Fondazione’s employees and collaborators follow, along with the ethical obligations of their order or professional membership of affiliation, the current regulations and the established contractual agreements, derive from the above mentioned principles.
The Fondazione’s ethics embody and respect the fundamental principles expressed by the Catholic Church Magisterium regarding bioethics: every employee and collaborator will commit itself in refraining from carrying out procedures, surgeries and behaviours contrary to such principles. Protecting people’s lives at all times and their dignity represents the fundamental benchmark, especially when regarding the performance of health professions.
The Statute
It is possible to download The Statute in PDF form by clicking on the button here below.
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