A medical record is a personal document that contains the combination of health-related information and personal data regarding a patient’s hospitalization (diagnostic test results, medical analyses, therapies, etc.)
Medical records pick-up at the Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS
Medical records are the hospital’s property and only copies upon payment can be issued after the appropriate request has been made. Requests can be made as early as the first day of hospitalization at the MEDICAL RECORDS ARCHIVE located on the 3rd floor (wing F) during the following hours:
- Monday to Friday: from 8:30 am to 1:45 pm
- Saturday from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Requests, except mailing requests, can me made by any adult, who is aware of the personal data and details necessary to properly request the medical document. The request for mailing medical record copies and pick-up at the window can be done by:
- The person concerned with an identification document.
- A proxy bringing the request form filled-out and signed by the paperwork holder, attaching the latter’s identification document (original or copy signed by the holder). When picking up records, proxies must bring their own identification document, the signed proxy authorization form and the delegating party’s identification document (original or copy signed by the holder).
- In the case of minors or incapacitated person, those who have parental rights or guardians/trustees (or their proxies) who possess the appropriate legal documents and, if necessary, a proxy authorization form. Emancipated minors must bring appropriate certification.
- Legal heirs of deceased patients, who bring appropriate legal documents/self-certification attesting their family relation. When there is more than one legal heir and there is dissent among them, the Judicial Authority is thereupon responsible
How to request medical records
In order to request medical records it is necessary to bring the request form, along with the appropriate legal documents attesting the entitlement of the rightful owner as well as the signed photocopy of the entitled person’s identification document (front and back side).
The form can be given:
- At the window, personally or by proxy: in such cases, the amount due must be paid upon making the request.
- Via fax, e-mail, regular mail: in such cases, the amount due must be paid by bank wire transfer payable to:
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS
IBAN: IT59Z 02008 05314 00010 2940493
Purpose: “Medical records request Name, Last name, Patient’s Fiscal Code Number and Nosographic Code indicated by the Archive” (attach copy of the bank wire transfer receipt)
Before making the bank wire transfer payment, submit the request to the archive’s e-mail address which will respond providing the correct amount and the nosographic code number to be indicated in the payment purpose.
The request cannot be carried out if the properly filled-out form, the entitled person’s identification document, the certification attesting the entitlement and a copy of the bank wire transfer receipt are missing.
To download the information for the issuance of medical records, click here.
The request/issuance form is available here.
- hard copy: 18,00 €
- certified hard copy: 23,20 €
- digital CD copy: 10,00 €
Delivery time
Delivery times vary depending on if the medical record is in the Archive and on the amount of requests made.
- At the window
- Through registered mail sent to the indicated address and with the additional fees described in the section “Costs”.
Requested copies that have not been picked up at the window will be destroyed after 90 days from being printed.
How to request other medical documents
The Medical Records Archive Office provides information about the procedures of issuance of copies for other medical documents.
Medical records pick-up at the Presidio Columbus
Medical records are the facility’s property and only copies upon payment can be issued after the appropriate request has been made, that can be made as early as the first day of hospitalization at the MEDICAL RECORDS window located on the 2nd floor during the following hours:
- Monday to Friday: from 8:15 am to 2:15 pm
- Saturday: closed
Who can request medical records
Copies of medical records can be requested and picked up by:
- The person concerned with an identification document
- A proxy bringing the request form filled-out and signed by the paperwork holder, attaching the latter’s identification document (original or copy signed by the holder). When picking up records, proxies must bring their own identification document, the signed proxy authorization form and the delegating party’s identification document (original or copy signed by the holder)
- In the case of minors or incapacitated person, those who have parental rights or guardians/trustees (or their proxies) who possess the appropriate legal documents and, if necessary, a proxy authorization form. Emancipated minors must bring appropriate certification
- Legal heirs of deceased patients, who bring appropriate legal documents/self-certification attesting their family relation. When there is more than one legal heir and there is dissent among them, the Judicial Authority is thereupon responsible
How to request medical records
In order to request medical records it is necessary to bring the request form, along with the appropriate legal documents attesting the entitlement of the rightful owner and the signed photocopy of the entitled person’s identification document (front and back side).
The form can be given:
- At the window, personally or by proxy, directly paying the amount due
- Via fax, e-mail, regular mail, paying the amount due by bank wire transfer to:
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS
IBAN: IT59Z 02008 05314 00010 2940493
Indicate the following wording in the purpose: “Medical records request Name, Last name, Patient’s Fiscal Code Number”.
The request cannot be carried out if the filled-out form, the entitled person’s identification document, the certification attesting the entitlement and a copy of the bank wire transfer receipt are missing.
To download the information for the issuance of medical records, click here.
The request/issuance form is available here.
The fee for a medical record copy is:
- hard copy: 18,00 €
- certified hard copy: 23,20 €
- digital CD copy: 10,00 €
Delivery times
Delivery times of medical record copies vary depending on the request procedures:
- at the window (Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm)
- through registered mail sent to the indicated address with the following additional fees:
- hard copy: 7,00 €
- digital CD copy: 5,00 €
Requested copies that have not been picked up at the window will be destroyed after 90 days from being printed.
How to request other medical documents
The Medical Records Archive Office provides information about the procedures of issuance of copies for other medical documents.