Appointments for exams can be made only if the patient already has the prescribing doctor’s medical request written on the National Public Healthcare System’s regional prescription pad (pink medical prescription). The appointment can be made by telephone (06 3015.4375) or by going directly to the Nuclear Medicine Service’s administrative registration Office (second floor of the Policlinico, wing E).
Appointments are made differently for the cases indicated below:
- Octreotide Scan
- mIBG Scintiscan
- Cortex adrenal norcholesterol scintigraphy.
The patient must make an appointment for a medical visit in preparation of the exam at the administrative registration Office or by going personally to the registration window. After evaluating the request’s appropriateness, the doctor will set the date for the scintigraphy exam.
Brain scintigraphy (DaTSCAN) (or brain scintigraphy with receptor tracking)
Every Thursday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the following telephone number: 06 3015.4600.
Erythrocyte volume and erythrocyte survival.
The patient must make an appointment for a medical visit in preparation of the exam at the administrative registration Office or by going personally to the registration window. After evaluating the request’s appropriateness, the doctor will set the date for the scintigraphy exam.
Labelled autologous leukocyte scintigraphy
The patient must make an appointment for a medical visit in preparation of the exam through one of the following methods:
- by calling the administrative registration Office (06 3015.4375)
- by going personally to the administration registration Office window
- sending an e-mail to (making sure to provide a telephone number)
After evaluating the request’s appropriateness, the doctor will set the date for the scintigraphy exam.
Some services are provided also through the private practice system.
Nuclear medicine therapeutics are done after making an appointment for a “nuclear-medicine pretreatment” visit. Such wording must be indicated on the medical request written by the prescribing doctor on the National Public Healthcare System’s regional prescription pad (pink medical prescription) to be brought on the day of the visit.
Any appointment cancellations must be made via fax at the following number: 06 3015.5888 or via e-mail at the following address: