Ambulatorio di Occupational Health in Public Health
Occupational Medicine Institute
Participating Academic Staff
– Head of the Occupational Medicine Specialization SchoolDr.ssa Vincenza Anzelmo
Dr. Ivan Borrelli
Dr. Paolo Emilio Santoro
Dr. Domenico Staiti
Operational Medicine works through Professionalism, Method, Procedure, Technology, Technical and Medical activities that involve various fields of Occupational Health in Public Health.
The goal of Occupational Medicine is to protect the environmental and occupational health and safety of workers’ (both health and non-health operators, students, patients at the Policlinico Gemelli and/or external companies and institutions with special agreements), especially women, in general, and regarding maternity, in an innovative, interpersonal and consistently integrated view of Occupational Health.
For this purpose, it has its own specific Clinic (Occupational Health in Public Health) in the Institution’s facility that manages and focuses on its school’s specialization activities, in addition to activities regarding the prevention and promotion of health and safety protection, through:
Evidence-based environmental and health surveillance activities aimed at implementing proactive prevention in workplaces and environments through:
- collaboration with Prevention and Protection Services in order to identify and evaluate exposure risks in order to establish appropriate “Risk Evaluation Documents” useful for the proactive Health Surveillance of the exposed worker
- programming, planning and participation towards carrying out studies on the impact and predominance of acute and chronic-degenerative illnesses of the exposed working population, as well as the consequent assessment of the impact aimed at safety in the environment and of assistance procedures in healthcare facilities
- the promotion of vaccination campaigns addressing workers and people of working age at risk, who are exposed to risks regarding their specific job activities and/or duties, always with particular attention to Women and maternity, including health and non-health operators who work even in external Institutions with special agreements with the Fondazione, who collaborate with the affiliated ASL office, who are in “protected” vaccination environments or who have second level jobs.
Professional training in vertical and horizontal multi-disciplines and multi-specialization in the areas of workers’ health and safety, addressed also to doctors and national RSPP and ASPP and/or Institutions with Special Agreements, regarding specific risks considered by company surveillance and prevention procedures, with particular attention to Workplace Promotion, Working Well-being and Health Ageing (integrated systems of environmental and health surveillance toward the protection of workers’ health and safety concerning work exposure conditions, including even the implementation of specific training and research activities).
Collaboration with the drafting of address, guide and/or evidenced-based procedure Lines for the protection of workers’ health and safety in the medical and non-medical work environment.
Development of evidence-based innovative strategies and technology toward the prevention of accident risks and the protection of workers’ occupational age development, even through the use of advanced digital systems and the activation of organizational and interpersonal procedures with qualified doctors, general medicine doctors, gynecologists/obstetricians, pediatricians of free choice, etc. who can contribute to a systematic and integrated approach in order to assist workers even in terms of weakness and disability.
Innovative company policy development regarding occupational hygiene and medicine toward the prevention of risks caused by exposure to microorganisms, chemical substances or physical agents, accidents and disabilities in assistance and non-assistance work environments through the promotion of integrated and surveillance activities for people who are vulnerable and/or at risk, concerning both The Department of Women’s and Children’s Health Studies and the Department of Public Health, as well as other Departments and Institutes of the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, in addition to Organizations and Institutions with Special Agreements, through its own specific medical clinic and offices of the Institute of Occupational Medicine which also has departmental importance.
Development of company organizational models aimed toward health and safety protection through prevention models that optimize specific professional roles and their contribution to health and safety in medical and non-medical work environments.
The Occupational Medicine area and clinic is also the location of the “General Health” Research Center, aimed at promoting strategies for assistance, research and training activities carried out by the Departments of Occupational Health and Women’s, Children’s and Public Health Studies in order to transfer the knowledge of occupational health and illness determinants, caused by exposure risk factors in frail, vulnerable and poor people during healthcare services, into predictive, preventive and personalized medicine treatments, which also consider the person’s environmental, residential and national background as well as his or her activities. Its purpose is also to promote projects useful for taking care of people, particularly Women during maternity, who not only can be excluded from access to healthcare services, but also have economic, social, etc difficulties that hinder or impede the prevention of an illness as well as the protection of the newborn.